Saturday, April 26, 2008

evil translations

It's a good thing I only have a mildly addictive personality. I've started up a second blog, with a single topic: bad translations. You can read it at Evil Translations.

As a translator, and even as a mere consumer, I come across some really nasty pieces of language, whether in French or in English (my knowledge of Spanish is such that I wouldn't dare presume a text good or bad.) So here, I will expose them to the world (anonymously - all identifying characteristics will be replaced by XXX or some such.)

I've also used a different template and color scheme; as I discover the blogger universe, I realize this one is way over used by the emo/goth/depressed teenager variety. One day, I commit to fully customizing both of them, but for now, my spare time goes into writing, although these days I seem to be missing visual arts - drawing and painting, mostly. But a lot of my supplies have dried up, and I've always found it frustrating that I was unable to reproduce on canvas or paper what I saw in my mind's eye.

In six: Springtime - dogs outside, thoughts of gardening.


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