Monday, October 27, 2008

writing prompt: who am i?

I am god, or rather, goddess. I cause the sun to rise and to set, and to return the next morning. I threw the moon in its orbit, and I sprinkled the stars, some would say at random, but I know better. I know all. I am magnetic north that points the way, in some ways, I am the way. I am the waves of amniotic fluid that gives life, I am the raging waves that destroy without even slowing. I am the wind that picks up dust and molds it into man, I am the knife that cuts out a rib to make him woman as companion. I am the earth they all walk on, this world and all others, for I hung them in the sky. I am father time and mother nature, the background and the pacing depend on me. I am. I create. I destroy. I begin anew. I am the writer.


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