Monday, October 20, 2008

what's good for the goose...

...apparently, means naught for the gander.

In today's Journal de Montréal, they held a "man-on-the-street" type poll concerning Nicholas Sarkozy's comments regarding Quebec and Canada. It was unanimous: he was out of place, he should not concern himself with our internal matters, and he should concentrate on running his own country. How odd that an entire generation or two warmly embraced Général de Gaulle when he did the exact same thing, only with a separatist bent.

Tough noogies folks: either both are relevant, or neither are. You can't have it both ways. Sometimes, the blatant and unapologetic hypocrisy of my fellow human beings blows my mind.

I also read in the paper that certain scientists were beginning to think that our species is in decline, seeing as our reproduction patterns in no way represent a natural drive towards perfect adaptation. Some days, I think that's a good thing.

On other days, I know it is.


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