Friday, May 9, 2008

gaggle gaggle gaggle

Haven’t seen any geese fly by in the past week or so, even though I’ve been walking more often. Tuesday morning, I must have seen close to three hundred, by my count. Some low-flying, others high in the sky, some silent, some honking steadily, perhaps to encourage their followers to flap in sync…some in such perfect formation, they looked like a dotted line across the morning sky…some in multi-branching structures, like scruffy bushes. Or most bureaucracies, lacking the overall vision to streamline effectively. But I digress.

I thought that was probably the last bunch I'd see, but no, a couple more flew by this morning. But not enough to constitute a gaggle. I don't know how many geese constitute a gaggle, but in my mind a gaggle is more than I saw this morning. That was an extended family, at best.

I like the word "gaggle."


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