Sunday, May 25, 2008


I remember being in this office building. If I had to place it, it was in Laval, across from the Carrefour, but right behind it was a wooded area. I remember taking the elevators and running from somebody, or rather trying to escape notice, then being in the parking lot in the middle of a windstorm and watching the trees break and fall with my mom and dad.

All of a sudden (or is it a different dream?), I'm back inside, with co-workers, and we're lounging around a pool in these elevated deck chairs. The pool is kidney-shaped; I'm on the outside, near one of the ends. Across from me is Celine Dion (ack!). Someone wants to play a prank on her, and shoves her off her chair; she jumps forward, arms windmilling and legs flailing, and she completely misses the pool, overshooting by about six feet, and collapses face-down onto a pink fuzzy towel laid out on the deck, right beside me. I jump up and move back; there is no way I am going to help her. Other people slowly come to her aid.


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