Friday, March 14, 2008

NaNoWriMo, or why I decided to blog

I must admit that there’s a little bit more to this blog than simply replicating my compulsory writing journal. Since I started writing again, and actually since I started really considering translation as a career option, I have had my mind set on one goal, one which I hope to finally be able to achieve in 2008: NaNoWriMo.

NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Wrtiting Month, and participants are invited/challenged to write a 50,000-word novel between November 1 and November 30.

I first discovered this project in mid-November 2006 (d’oh!), and I half-heartedly thought I might give it a go in 2007, although I didn’t really think I had…the right to participate? I was just a wannabe translator, after all. What did I know about novels, apart from as a reader? But in researching a little more, I realized that its founders were just as (in)experienced when they first started NaNoWriMo.

Then, in 2007, I landed a job in marketing/communications, and the entire year was essentially focused on a new product launch…you guessed it, in mid-November. This year, I’ve settled into a translation position, and it looks like clear sailing for November. Yay! Oddly enough, I’ve also had tons of ideas just bubbling up for it. We’re not allowed to write in advance, but we certainly are allowed to plan, and I think that will be my salvation.

Why do I want to try this? I don't climb mountains, I don't freedive, and I don't run marathons. This is the "because it's there" type of thing that resonates with me.

So, to make a long story short (as opposed to NaNoWriMo, where I’ll probably be making a short story long), this blog is meant to help me establish a regular writing routine, so by the time November rolls around, I will be well-set in my ways.

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