Monday, June 2, 2008

a couple of random thoughts on the latest PPVs

I didn't make any predictions for either Judgment Day or One Night Stand. My mind was elsewhere for the most part, so I had no concrete expectations, I guess. Overall, I enjoyed both a whole heck of a lot.

Particularly the divas. Not since the heyday of Lita and Trish have we seen girls, you know, actually fight. Like, talent, rather than booty. Yay. More, more, more.

"Fuck! I broke my collarbone!" With those five words, Randy Orton threw future storylines, and particularly the upcoming draft, for a serious loop. I wonder where they were planning to go with that Orton/Batista interlude before the diva match. It was also really interesting to see how Triple H reacted; having twice been seriously injured in a match and finishing, he couldn't bring himself to expect the same of Orton and offered up one of the weakest finales since Austin pinned Owen Hart with a broken neck.

Y2J's run-in during the stretcher match ties as the low point of the evening with the cameraman's clumsy attempts not to show us the mattresses under Jeff Hardy and Umaga (with apologies to Orton and Big Show's real-life injuries.)

And last but now least, the end of the Undertaker? I'm not sure I buy it, but there was one moment, right when Taker started up the ramp, when his face changed, and Mark Callaway took in the crowd for the "last" time, his jaw set, his eyes betraying the intensity of the emotion. If this really is the end, then I am in serious mourning. If not, let the deadman rest awhile before returning to fight another day.


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