In just over 50 minutes, I managed to write 1448 words. That's not quite the required daily 1667 words to achieve NaNo status by the end of November, but it comes close. Mind you, I'm still writing. If I can throw things down like I have on the various topics I picked up along the way, I might just be OK. So I really should get back to making sure I have a good solid outline; that way, when I do get started, I'll have plenty of word prompts to keep me chugging towards that goal.
On the other hand, I've also realized that I write much slower in French than I do in English. Is that coincidence? Is it related to the fact I translate into English far faster than I do into French? Is it because the two English texts were writing prompts, while the French one was more of a short op-ed piece? Who knows. I'll have to look at it more closely, but for now, let's just say I am content to be writing my novel in English. With quite a bit of Spanish thrown in for show (not that I have much of a choice, but I hear that adding a glossary is a wonderful way of boosting word count. Yay!) and the mandatory touch of exoticism. Olé!
NB: There - now I've reached 1672 words.
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