Sunday, October 26, 2008

post cyber sunday analysis

OK, I was really out in left field with some of my picks.

First off, Mickie James as Lara Croft wins? Why do I suddenly doubt the integrity of these surveys? Am I too cynical to think being Cena's off-again, on-again has its advantages? Or is the WWE Universe really made up of aging geeks?

Glad to see Rey pick up the win, but it made for a face-heavy PPV.

Obviously, I haven't been paying enough attention to the online war of words between Miz/Morrison and Cryme Tyme. So be it, it was OK.

Santino: but, but, come no one got smashed with the GUITAR??? And really, once you know that the Honky Tonk Man is Jerry the King Lawler's cousin, you can't help but notice how much they look alike!

Considering I haven't been watching ECW, I give myself part marks for that match: who knew Evan Bourne was so big these days? Very interesting match.

Nailed the Undertaker match, and the Trips one (my money is still on Hardy for the Rumble.)

And wow, I was so wrong, there I was thinking we weren't anywhere done with Jericho! Sincere congrats to Batista, for my totally favourite upset of the night. Yay Dave! And it's so nice to see Stone Cold in such great shape. *waves* *throws beer*

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