Sunday, December 14, 2008

Armageddon picks

Here goes:

Finlay vs. Mark Henry (Belfast Brawl): I can't imagine ever rooting for Mark Henry, or ever understanding any push he may receive in his life. Finlay, all the way.

Matt Hardy vs. Kozlov: See above. Matt Hardy.

Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk, IC Tournament: I would have picked Rey, were it not for the recent developments concerning the Tag titles. With Miz and Morrison regaining the tag belts in a most unusual manner, in a house show in nowhere, Ontario, doesn't that just pave the way to new Slammy winner Punk to regaining the IC title? I'm not sure how Rey's height will affect the administration of a GTS, though. Punk for gold.

Eight Diva match: With Michelle McCool's recent heel turn, I doubt her team will work well together. Combine that with the talent resting squarely on the official heel side, and I see Maryse the hometown girl coming out on top.

Batista vs. Orton: Orton has been gearing up since his return, and Batista's only been used to put various heels over. I don't see this trend reversing anytime soon. Orton wins. (Sorry, Dave! You know I love you anyways, right? :-) )

Edge vs. Jeff Hardy vs. HHH: Hardy is looking more and more like a Rumble shoo-in. I see Trips and Jeffro going at each other mercilessly once more, with Edge sneaking in to eke out the win.

John Cena vs. Chris Jericho: They've been building Jericho so far up lately (Superstar of the Year? Really?), it can only be to have Cena fight the good fight and conquer the not-so-big but oh-so-nasty Y2J.

On a side note, I will begin writing again, I promise. I'll even explain why I haven't been writing, and hopefully, it won't sound too much like an excuse. We'll see. But for now, there's wrestling on.

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