Sunday, September 28, 2008


It turns out I missed Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19, just over a week ago.

That particular day was selected because it was one of the founders' ex-wife's birthday. That it was also my mom's birthday is sheer coincidence. Anyways, their website is worth a giggle or two, particularly their links page, which includes a pirate persona generator.

Lo and behold, based on my choices of features and activities, I am Black Melissa Rackham, who knows how to parallel park (um, anachronistic choice, don't ya think?), seduce her crew and swash buckles, all without the benefit of underwear beneath her costume. Who knew?

Sometimes, in fits or sheer boredom, I think it would be funny to troll the net and fill a complete year with odd celebration days like this. Then I get shy and lazy and forget about the whole idea.


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