My office cubicle has no window, and even if I prairie dog over the partition, there is no window in sight. There’s a window in the conference room, but the door is almost always shut. Managers in closed offices have windows; while I don’t particularly envy the ones with a lovely view of the parking lot, I must admit it is useful to remote start your car on cold winter nights. I am jealous of those who see the wooded lot on the north side, as they get to see the ongoing adventures of our small woodland creatures – birds of all kinds, a lot of squirrels, the occasional groundhog or hare.
My bedroom window has a window, but no view really – unless you consider the garage roof and the neighbour’s hedge a view. Besides, I kept the drapes open for years, until I started dating Pat, who can only sleep in absolute darkness but often goes to bed at dawn. It also helps to avoid a repeat of an unpleasant incident that occurred a few years back, as I awoke (in very little clothing) to the sight of a man right outside my window, on the garage roof, trimming the neighbour’s hedge with no forewarning whatsoever!
Like I said, I’m cheating here. The prompt made me think of the “masked thief” Pat and I caught peeking in from our ground level windows earlier this week. Cats are regulars, but this was a first. I can’t say what attracted him; it’s not like we were cooking anything. Perhaps it was simply the fact that it was the only thing to look at, really, under the back porch, a spot that affords some protection from the apparently endless drizzle and downpours we’ve been having this summer.

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