Thursday, May 15, 2008

a couple of dreambits

It's wrong to say I haven't written anything lately; it's just been little bits and pieces.

For example, I scribbled down a couple of dreambits. Dreambits are like timbits (Tim Horton doughnut holes, for those not in the know) - dreambits are to dreams like timbits are to doughnuts: made of the same basic ingredients, you only get a little bite, and it always seems you’re missing the larger picture. In this case, it refers to dreams with incomplete stories, sometimes just feelings or impressions.
  • I dreamt I was at a birthday dinner (whose? I don’t know) with a slew of friends (this bit may have been inspired by Pat’s new quest for friends on Facebook.) We were at a restaurant (no relation to anything I’ve seen in real life), seating at a long L-shaped table. Pat was there, Voisine too… We were being served by three different waiters, including one really friendly and pleasant blonde girl, and one snarky young man who seemed to delight in telling us we couldn’t have what we ordered. She would sell us on this dessert, for example, and he’d come from behind and tell us there was none left, with a smile on his face, beaming.

  • I dreamt we were going for a spa day with the girls at work (except in real life, I am nowhere near enough to these people for such an outing.) But then, my house has to be evacuated, and neither my mom, nor Tante Lise will leave the house. But the Inspectors are coming. And it will all be my fault. (Who the hell are the Inspectors? Not a clue.)


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