Tuesday, April 29, 2008

time to play the game

Caveat: I did not see Backlash.

Prior to the PPV, but after I posted my predictions, I came across Droz's predictions. I was quite pleased to see that we called them almost identically, except for the Fatal Four Way.

Turns out I was right about that one (Ha!), and across the board, except for the Divas match. And really, I'm quite content to see the girls who can wrestle win. Now I could go on again about this topic, but really, Melina's latest Internet Confessions of a True Diva nails my opinion perfectly.

Much like the cruiserweight division (whatever happened to it, anyway?), the women's division is one where WWE has always lagged behind its competition, and most notably the TNA. The knockouts have room to breathe, in the ring (and sometimes even in their outfits!); they've got real, honest-to-goodness storylines, whodathunk? Sadly, I can't even imagine the day when an Awesome Kong could dominate a WWE ring. How I miss Lita, the wrestler who learned to pose in a bikini! And Trish, who busted her ass (and other various body parts) to grow into one of the greatest champions the division has ever had. In that sense, I have some hope for Michelle McCool; there's something about her that makes me think that if we gave her time, and training, she could do well. You'll notice she wasn't the winner of the Diva Search, either...

And now that I've seen Monday's Raw, I must add this. Someone somewhere must have heard me. Katie Lea can wrestle??? Who knew??? That elbow drop (OK, I know, I know, it's just an elbow drop) had a little Shawn Michaels flair to it, and that drop kick meant business, the landing be damned. With her auburn hair and smoky eyes, she channels more than a little Lita, and that's fine with me. The girls need all the help they can get.

That's EXACTLY what I want to see more of. Is anyone at WWE creative listening? I know, I know, I am by no means the targeted demographic; I've just been buying the PPVs, virtually all of them, for years, I watch the (main) shows quasi-religiously, and I buy the really expensive floor seats at the shows. Better yet, I am faithful. So, please, humor me. More Melina, Katie Lea away from her dumbass "brother", Beth, Victoria, Mickie...and less, much less, bunnies. (Désolé Maryse!)

A few random thoughts on Raw: Triple H vs. Orton is always entertaining, even when we don't see the end of the fight.

Cody Rhodes touching the mike twice in two weeks - isn't that a sign of the apocalypse?

Y2J's shit-eating grin is even snarkier now that he has short hair...more! More! More!

I hadn't realized just how much I missed Mister Kennedy. That was, to quote Y2J again, "brilliant...masterful..."


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