Thursday, September 25, 2008

my skin, my art

I'm not quite sure I understand.

The members of facebook's Coalition Against Bad Tattoos often rail against big girls with bad tattoos, with the comments often slipping into snarky comments about the person's weight. Among them, one self-proclaimed big girl often writes she wouldn't get that tattooed there. So, if we rule out the following (a short compendium of remarks made by said group):
  • no back tattoos, for muffin top reasons
  • no chest tattoos, for sagging reasons
  • no belly tattoos, for stretch mark/childbearing reasons
  • no thigh tattoos, for cellulite reasons

and the girl doesn't want her tattoos totally visible, i.e. mostly concealable under work clothes, what's left? Her upper arms? Even then, I would argue flabby triceps don't do much for good design. So then what?

Personally, I remember having a (smallish) muffin top back when I weighed 115 lbs: that's just always been where my body accumulates fat. Notwithstanding the group's objections, I will tattoo my body with designs I find gorgeous, where my tattoo artist and myself agree is the best placement, and the rest, quite frankly, be damned. They are first and foremost for me, not merely as a canvas for some striking art form. They will age with me (hopefully gracefully) and they will forever stand as the markers to the milestones of my life.


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